4003 Cities and Towns
Northwest Angle 33 First Nation
- Band Office, Northwest Angle 33 First Nation, ON, P9N 3X7
- https://www.nwa33.ca/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Offers a variety of mental health and addictions services for community membersPrograms and services can include the following:Addictions and Gambling Program Offers community treatment and education Provides assessment, referral and aftercare Offers individual relapse prevention counselling Gives individual, couples and family treatment therapy Provides support for family members affected by addictionsCase Management Program Provides individual counselling for adults struggling with physical, medical and emotional health issues Offers assistance through support workers in life skills including housing, self care, nutrition, shopping, money management, social and recreational living Provides family support and educationMental Health Program Offers individual, couple, family and group counselling for stress management and crisis intervention Provides referral services to appropriate supports
Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority – Yellowknife Region – Community Counsellor at Deninu Kue Health Centre
- Fort Resolution, Canada
- 867-394-4511
- https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/en/contact/community-counsellor
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Provides individual and family general counselling services. Telephone services available.
Northwestern Health Unit
- 75 D Van Horne Ave, Dryden, ON, P8N 2B2
- https://www.nwhu.on.ca
Support Groups
Provides one-on-one support for those who have experienced the death of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or other perinatal loss Provides information and referrals for counselling and other supports Will provide information for links to similar services within the Kenora and Rainy River Districts
Northwestern Health Unit
- 396 Scott St, Fort Frances, ON, P9A 1G9
- https://www.nwhu.on.ca
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Offers links to support groups on an as-needed basis for individuals struggling with issues related to miscarriage, stillbirth or postpartum depression Offers individual, family or group sessions Arranges peer-to-peer support with individuals who have gone through similar experiences Provides referrals to counselling and other supports
Northwestern Ontario Peer Connections
- 710 Victoria Ave E, S108, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 5P7
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Provides peer support for the day to day needs of its members with a Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Strength Based Approach Provides socialization opportunities for members to aid in their recovery Provides mental health education to members and mental health awareness to people in the community Directs members in finding appropriate personnel to meet their needs Develops and maintains communication with all existing persons involved with members" care, as requested by members
Northwood Medical Clinics
- 80 Elm St, Sudbury, ON, P3C 1T2
- http://www.northwoodrecovery.ca/
Addiction Treatment
Offers a methadone maintenance program for opiate addicts based on an intensive outpatient model, over a 12-24 month period Offers a Suboxone treatment program as an alternative to methadoneIncludes: Initial intake interview Addiction counselling Focused medical examinations Appropriate lab tests Initial as well as ongoing supervised urinalysis Signed treatment contract and plan Regular medical follow up Daily methadone dose Post-methadone treatment, including relapse prevention
Northwood Neighbourhood Services
- 2801 Keele St, Unit 103, Toronto, ON, M3M 2G6
- https://northw.ca/programs/earlyon-program
Support Groups
Children and Youth program EarlyON Kids" Place EarlyON Wood View Park Library
Norval United Church
- 14015 Danby Rd, Halton Hills, ON, L7G 0L8
- 9058776122
- www.norvalunited.ca
Support Groups
Regular Church servicesvariety of faith development events and social groupsprograms and services for all agesGrief Groupsthree different grief groups run with support from Jones Funeral HomeWalking Through Grief: 8 week pre-registered group program providing discussion and supportParent Grief Group: for those dealing with the death of a childOpen Grief Support Group: monthly group provides a safe environment for support on an ongoing basis. Open to everyone on a drop-in basisemail griefsupport@norvalunited.ca to connect with the group leaders
NorWest Community Health Centre Thunder Bay – Counselling
- 525 Simpson Street, Thunder Bay, Canada, P7C 3J6
- 1-866-357-5454
- https://www.norwestchc.org/locations/thunder-bay/programs#mental-health
Mental Health Counselling
Offers the services of a counsellor to help individuals deal with difficulties at home, work, or with relationships. Help for survivors of trauma, abuse, anxiety or depression is available.
NorWest Community Health Centres
- 525 Simpson St, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 3J6
- http://www.norwestchc.org/
Support Groups
Provides services and supports for individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Offers peer support and skills building groups Counsels individuals, their partners, and family membersOffers various clinical services, including: Primary health care Sexual health Preventative health screening Medical support for transition process Health care and education services Groups: Gender Journeys, Transgender Peer Group, Host of The Other 10%, Host to the Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Committee Telemedicine services
NorWest Community Health Centres
- 99 Skinner Ave, Thunder Bay, ON, P0T 2A0
- https://www.norwestchc.org/
Support Groups
Offers a monthly support group Features discussions on managing diabetes, the role of exercise, healthy recipe demonstrations, and blood sugar measuring
NorWest Community Health Centres
- 105 Queen St, Thunder Bay, Unorganized, ON, P0T 1A0
- https://www.norwestchc.org/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling & Support Groups
Health centre focused on family and community health Provides a primary health care team that consists of Nurse Practitioners Offers services through the Ontario Telemedicine Network Offers various programs, including the 5-step smoking cessation program
Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program (NSEPP)
- 5909 Veteran"s Memorial Lane, Halifax, ON, B3H 2E2
- 902-473-2976
Youth Mental Health
The Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program (NSEPP) is a specialized, community focused, mental health program for young people between the ages of 15-35 who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis and for their families.
NSEPP is one of the clinical academic programs in the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. The program is based at both the Nova Scotia Hospital and the QE11 Health Sciences Centre.
Nova Scotia Health Authority – Central Zone – Community Based Addiction Services at Nova Scotia Health Authority – Central Zone – Hants Community Hospital
- 1-866-340-6700
- http://www.nshealth.ca/service-details/Community%20Based%20Addiction%20Services
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Provides support for individuals that are having problems with reducing or stopping their use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and/or gambling. Services include individual and group treatment, workshops and assessment.
Nova Scotia Public Trustee
- 902-424-7760
- https://novascotia.ca/just/pto/
Youth Mental Health
The Public Trustee is committed to the proper administration of estates of deceased persons, incompetent persons, children, and missing persons. It is also committed to provide informed consents for health care, placement to a continuing care home or home care services using an approach that is client-centred, respectful of human rights and freedoms, and in the client’s best interests if prior wishes, values, and beliefs are not known.