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Ontario Child Advocate

Ontario Child Advocate

General Information

Service Type
Youth Mental Health
If you are a child or youth with a concern about your experiences with a service provider or feel that your rights may have been violated, or you need information on how to access a service in the province’s care systems, please call the Advocate’s Office at 416-325-5669 or 1-800-263-2814 (toll-free). The Ontario Child Advocate (the Advocate"s Office) is an independent voice for Ontario"s children and youth who are either “in care” or on the margins of government care in the following areas of its mandate: -Child welfare -Youth in custody or detention in the youth justice system -Children"s mental health services -Students of provincial and demonstration schools -First Nations children and youth -Children and youth with special needs -Youth in police or court holding cells or being transported to and - from court holding cells