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Belleville & Quinte West Community Health Centre

Belleville & Quinte West Community Health Centre

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
CV19 Office offering limited access and is trying to maintain continuity of care for primary care clients and will be conducting telephone appointments as much as possible. Office closed at 4:30pm daily - no evening clinics All group programs and activities are suspended until further notice Dental Clinic is closed indefinitely Outreach programs have changed to phone or in-office visits On-site visits are being limited to those that are necessary. Clients will be prescreened on the phone. Clients on-site will be required to wear a mask.Mental Wellness Supports online (March 25, 2020)Our services and programs include: Primary health care Health promotion, and a range of other programming and groups to support mental health A sense of belonging and well being The Centre supports diverse populations at all ages and stages of the life with a focus on those who experience challenges and barriers to accessing care Including those living in poverty, experiencing addictions and mental health issues, and/or housing/food/job security concerns.