Donate now – Help Canadian youth to live drug-free and digital-safe

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Cannabis and Alcohol Support

For Parents

Drug and Alcohol Resources

At Sober Kids Canada, we want every BC kid to have a chance to live better, free from the negative impacts of substance use. This website offers free tools and education to help parents navigate these difficult issues with their kids. Below are links to cannabis, alcohol and other drugs which are specifically tailored to answer the most common questions asked by parents.

Additionally, we also provide a comprehensive list of services throughout BC for families who need help if their child is struggling with addiction. Please visit our Get Help Page for more information.

We also offer ongoing free seminars throughout the year. In these seminars, experts in the field of teen substance use will give talks to youth, parents and caregivers. These seminars will be interactive, meaning parents and kids will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn effective ways to deal with substance use. Register now for our next seminar by visiting our Events page.