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Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin

Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
Various programs and services for individuals with mental health needs.   * ACT Team (age 16+ years; Brampton East of Highway 410 and Town of Bolton ) * Access to Recovery, Case Management Program (age 16+ years; Brampton , Caledon and Malton)   * Concurrent Disorders Crisis Management * Consumer Survivor Support Network (age 16+ years: Peel Region) * FACT Peel +(age 16-45 years; Caledon, Brampton, Mississauga) for clients with a first episode of psychosis * Mental Health and Justice Services, Diversion and Court Support (age 16+ years; Peel Region) * Outreach (Peel Region) for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Peel. * PAR Clubhouse (age 16+ years; Peel Region) * Resource Centre, Community Service Information and Referral (Peel Region) which provides education and training; information and referral; a library; and awareness activities, including attendance at health fairs. * Youth Net Peel (age 12-20 years; Peel Region), a mental health program run by youth for youth.