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Simcoe Peer Support for Mental Health and Addictions

Simcoe Peer Support for Mental Health and Addictions

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Works to better educate the general public on the issues of mental health, to develop local support groups and to advocate on behalf of all consumer/survivorsOpen in the morning if an individual is having a bad day or just wants to hang out.SPS: A peer support and self-help group for people who have or are living with mental health and addiction issues including substance and alcohol abusePSP (People Supporting People): A group of trained individuals who provide education to persons dealing with day-to-day issues and in developing a sense of personal well-being.Services include: resource center for people who have or are experiencing mental health and/or addiction issues support to those disadvantaged due to mental illness and/or addiction emotional support encouragement support through self help promotion of self worthHas resources including: community supports resource library and computer accessPrograms include: Peer Support Groups, SPS, PSP, Voices United (VU) various social groups and activities including Monday Social club depression group cognitive behavior therapy Concurrent disorder group check in group (positive group) open to anyone who suffers from mental illness and/or addiction