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Weechi It Te Win Family Services

Weechi It Te Win Family Services

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment
Provides a 9-bed residential treatment facility and support services for adolescents with alcohol and substance use difficulties combined with mental health or behavioural issues Offers a 90-day substance use treatment program with a focus on culturally relevant programs, counselling and therapy Operates an on site school with qualified teaching staff to allow residents of the Centre to continue with academic studies Coordinates cultural naming ceremonies, feasts, sweat lodges and circles through the supervision of traditional elders Promotes greater responsibility and involvement of the family members in the adolescent"s lifeProvides education and counselling focused on: Developing a balance between the emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and social aspects of an individual"s life An individual"s identity, belonging and sense of direction in life Developing a healthy lifestyle, free of alcohol and substance use Teaching relevant life skillsAftercare Program Provides a referral to another clinician, elder or service provider three weeks prior to discharge who will continue to provide service for 30 days after discharge Offers an aftercare support group once per week for as long as needed Offers continued access to cultural ceremoniesAlso provides: Designated child welfare beds at the treatment facility for First Nation"s communities requiring child placement