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Spinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East]

Spinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East]

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 Services available by phone, email, video conferencing.Provides the following programs and services: Rehabilitation Counselling: one-on-one support for individuals and families to assist with their independence in the community including service coordination, continuous support, community links, and follow-up. Information Services: comprehensive information for clients, families, employers, community agencies, and governments in respect to living with a spinal cord injury or physical injury. Peer Support : offers "someone who"s been there" who can act as a mentor and role model to encourage and sustain clients through the challenges they face * matches people who are newly injured, and their family members, to people who have lived experience with a spinal cord injury, and who understand Community Advocacy: assists communities to identify, reduce and eliminate barriers to full community participation and serves as a leader of education and awareness in the prevention of spinal cord injuries. Marketplace- platform for buying and selling equipment (i.e. wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc) Visit Guest speakers for in-service training available