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Canadian Mental Health Association – Waterloo Wellington

Canadian Mental Health Association – Waterloo Wellington

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID-19 Update: CMHA Waterloo Wellington has altered service delivery to protect public health and safety. For more information about service changes, visit COVID-19: Update on Services. If in crisis, or not yet connected to a CMHA service, call 1-844-HERE247. For urgent document requests, call Reception at 1-844-CMHA-WW3 (264-2993).Provides a full care system for those with addictions, mental health or developmental needs. Promotes the mental health of all people through research and information services, sponsored research projects, education, workshops, seminars, pamphlets, newsletters and resource services. Encourages public action and commitment to strengthening community mental health services, legislation and policies affecting services.Information and Education: brochures and information sheets, workshops and educational events, leisure information, internet access, advocacy and skill developmentReferral Services: provided by HERE 24 SEVEN 1-844-437-3247, for many services in the community from a centralized location ; one-to-one meeting where staff can suggest options related to mental health support services (including those provided by the Centres for Mental Health), mental health treatment services and other services available in the communitySupport Services: coordinate support services for individuals (youth, adults, seniors and families) who struggle with a significant mental health issue so that they may live and fully participate in their community ; address and overcome barriers in housing, employment, education, leisure, relationships, financial stability and social pursuits; intensive support to short-term crisis support, to intermittent support, provided as neededBridging Employment Supports, Links To Work: helps persons with disabilities (ages 16-65) to obtain paid, competitive employment; call 1-866-387-6660 ext 4087 to make an appointmentEntrepreneurship Project: assists individuals who have been involved with the mental health system become self-employed or start their own business; referrals made through local CMHA Centres for Mental Health, other area agencies, or by self referralSelf Help Program: supportive environment for people with lived experience in mental health and addictions; mutual support, sharing of common issues and resources; one-on-one peer support and support group meetings designed to assist individuals in their own growth and development by sharing successes and developing strategies; self help resource centre; recovery planning groups (men"s and women"s groups); advocacy support, services of entrepreneurship facilitatorSelf Help, Spark of Brilliance: community-based mental health initiative that promotes healing, recovery and discovery through the expressive arts; workshops open to people living with mental health issues and / or addictions and their supportive allies, including family members, friends and mental health workers