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Emotions Anonymous International

Emotions Anonymous International

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID-19 Update: The local EA group meeting in Guelph has suspended meeting face-to-face. For information on remote and virtual meeting options, visit the website or contact the EAI office.Emotions Anonymous International (EAI) is an international nonprofit organization that facilitates the Emotions Anonymous (EA) 12-Step Program. EAI does not offer medical, psychiatric, therapeutic or counselling services; is not affiliated with any other recovery program. EA members can work the program by themselves or by attending/participating in meetings. Members: meet weekly for a mutual support group meeting to share experiences, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, and hope with one another working toward recovery from any sort of emotional difficulties are of diverse in ages, races, economic statuses, social and educational backgrounds Note: member confidentially is maintained at all timesEA is a spiritual-based program; applies for any religious affiliations and those without religious beliefs.Leadership of meetings: leaders rotate and are non-professional volunteers with no mental health training leaders function to conduct the meeting, ensuring the layout is followed and there are minimal disruptions