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Community Addiction and Mental Health Services of Haldimand and Norfolk

Community Addiction and Mental Health Services of Haldimand and Norfolk

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & In person crisis services & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Agency head office Services include: Peer Support Program (Achieve: mental health and wellness recovery centre) Addiction Program - assessment and outpatient counselling for people of all ages experiencing issues with alcohol, drug use and gambling. Mental health and peer support also available. Assistance is available to family and friends. Additionally, counsellors are available through the guidance offices of high schools. Community education is a major component of this program Adult Mental Health Program - community-based, client-focused services to adults with mental illnesses or with concurrent disorders (mental illness and addictions) including assessment, consultation, treatment, education, support, and advocacy. It is an interdisciplinary staff (physicians, nurses, social workers, with support from addiction counsellors and peer support as required) Telemedicine Services - provides non-emergency community-based services for adults 16 years or older with mental illness and/or addiction issues. The service uses video cameras and monitors to connect clients to specialists who live elsewhere for a one-time consult, increasing access to specialized care using videoconferencing technology Crisis Assessment and Support Team (CAST) - mental health crisis support telephone line staffed by experienced mental health professionals. Provides face-to-face assessments and short-term follow-up crisis counselling. Response time to clients is expected to be within 24 hours Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRRT) - program partners a uniformed OPP officer with an experienced mental health professional to respond as first responders to calls through 911 Specialized Geriatric Services - provides non-emergency clinical assessment, consultation, treatment and education to older adults, their families, and service providers who are, or know of, someone who is experiencing mental health issues combined with age-related difficulties Addiction Mobile Outreach Team - provides support to individuals living with substane use concerns, problem gambling or concurrent disorders through engagement, assessment and prevention through education Mobile Mental Health and Addictions Clinic