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Mississauga Halton Palliative Care Network

Mississauga Halton Palliative Care Network

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
The network provides planning and strategic implementation of palliative care resources and services at the local level to ensure a system-wide approach to palliative care that"s patient focused * provides health care professionals, patients and families with access to local information, support services and resources for hospice palliative care assistance, and a listing of palliative care service providers within the Mississauga Halton boundariesPalliative care is a type of care that helps to improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers who are living with an advanced illness * this approach to care promotes comfort and provides support to patients and their caregiversThe goal of palliative care is to:identify symptoms early and provide relief for physical symptoms such as pain or shortness of breathoffer support for psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patient and the caregiverhelp patients and their caregivers identify what is important to them as well as plan for and cope with changesprovide support in making a plan for decisions about future health careprovide grief and bereavement support