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Low Income People Involvement of Nipissing

Low Income People Involvement of Nipissing

General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services
Provides support to individuals and families who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless due to a crisis situation Addresses the immediate crisis and stabilizes the household Identifies areas of concern where an individual or family may require additional supports Serves as the entry point for all other servicesOffers the following services:Housing sustainability plan An assessment is completed to determine the current housing and financial status of the household and the short and long-term interventions and resources required to stabilize the householdAdvocacy Works with individuals, families and partner agencies to find alternate solutions to resolve conflicts that do not always involve the need for fundingImminent Housing acquisition and stabilization Targets individuals who have been released from the hospital, detoxification programs, or the justice system Provides immediate housing and stabilization tools, such as prescriptions, food, and household starter packsRent Arrears Can only be accessed once the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) has been exhausted Individuals and families can access on a sliding scale up to two months of rent arrearsCommunity Housing Guarantee Program Ensures landlords receive last months rent in order to provide an incentive to house individuals and families who are in difficult financial situations but require housingLandlord Liaison Liaises with public and private landlords to help individuals or families who are at risk of eviction either remain housed or find and secure housingVacancy List Responsible for producing a daily Vacancy List and distributing it to partners across the DistrictEnergy Fund Provides intervention prior to the disconnection of utilities in order to save money and avoid shelter stays and large deposit requirementsHousing success Facilitators Facilitators respond to crisis intervention requests and take part in crisis assessments where expertise is required to ensure the best support services are utilizedImmediate Stabilization Tool-Kit Provides households with items that ensure a house remains functional, such as appliances, prescriptions, and household starter packsHoarding Response Team Responds to suspected cases of hoarding, only when the local fire department has been contacted