Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
General Information
Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
Dedicated to identifying and meeting the needs of young people and their families in Ottawa who are experiencing difficulties related to: mental health family conflict physical, sexual and emotional abuse poverty employment difficulties homelessness substance use and abuse gender and cross-cultural issuesServices provided across the region include: mental health services crisis line for children, youth and families community services shelter and housing employment services for people of all ages youth justiceCommunity-based services offer: counselling services crisis intervention drop-in and health clinic for street-involved youth individual and family interventionOther programs include: Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic 24/7 Crisis Line Youth and Family Counselling Service Youth Engagement Program Downtown Services and Drop-in Youth Health Clinic Ethno Cultural Community Program Evelyn Horne Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing for young women Young Men"s Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Non-Profit Housing for Youth Sherwood Youth Centre William E. Hay Centre Youth Mental Health Court Worker Anger Management Community Reintegration Youth Employment Services