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Anxiety Disorder Association of Ontario (ADAO)

Anxiety Disorder Association of Ontario (ADAO)

General Information

Service Type
Youth Mental Health
The ADAO is a registered charity and non-profit organization based in Ottawa, Ontario. Our mandate is to assist individuals with anxiety conditions and their families, to promote both public and professional awareness of these conditions, and to provide programs, and educational services. We do this to foster personal mental health and well being for those in our community, and to build a community that is more supportive of persons with anxiety conditions. The ADAO provides information and assistance through its educational materials, phone support, public presentations, and a wide variety of programs including a 14-week educational workshop. The ADAO is a trusted community leader in public education and information about anxiety conditions and raises funds to support all activities of the organization. Services include: * 14 week anxiety management program * Toll-free and local telephone line for resource and referrals. * Educational presentations and seminars for the public, the health services sector, schools, various non-profit organizations, community centers, businesses and government departments