Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association
General Information
Service Type
Crisis lines & Support Groups
COVID-19 -- maintain all essential services including supportive housing, assisted living, home care transportation for essential visits providing hot meals, frozen meals and food hampers to seniors and people needing isolation Transitional Care Centre -- regular service, visits (in person for family and caregiver with appointment) also available via phone/virtually telephone reassurance, supportive counselling and service coordination Family Health Organization, GAIN Community Team Adult Day Program -- in person and virtual care Diabetes Education Program -- assessment, consultation, group education Wellness and Community Development Program -- in person and virtual platform Vocational Training Centre -- in person and virtual platform----------------------------------------Adult Day Program -- Monday-Friday 9:30 am-3 pm, weekday and weekend extended hours for persons 55 years and older with special needs such as physical frailty or mild memory impairment, in need of supervised, structured setting social and recreation activities, lunch, snack personal care and health related services -- exercise, foot care, physiotherapy, massage therapy transportation available feeOvernight Stay Program -- respite care (caregiver relief) program for persons with cognitive impairment or dementia and seniors in need of services, stays up to three months, meals, snacks, showering services * laundry -- fee personal care and health related services provided by personal support workers including medication reminders, personal hygiene, feedingChinese Bereavement Services -- culturally specific bereavement services, individual support and self help group public education, seminars, workshops information and referralChronic Disease Self Management Program -- 6 week workshop for adults with chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis individual counselling with nurse, dietitian and social worker health and education workshops, seminars, caregiver education and support information and referral workshop licensed by Stanford UniversityCommunity Outreach -- outreach programs for those living in seniors apartments and suburban areas, retirement groups, seniors self help groups community, wellness and health education caregiver support, volunteer developmentCommunity support services -- escort to medical appointments, telephone security checks, friendly visiting, hospice visiting, grocery shopping, client intervention and assistance -- free congregate dining -- fee, subsidies available transportation -- fee referrals, follow upElder Abuse Prevention Program -- Chinese Elder Abuse Helpline 416-502-2321, elder abuse education, supportive counsellingHome care services -- home help, homemaking, respite care, palliative care -- feePersonal Care Program -- for seniors living in the community requiring higher level of care care coordination scheduled and unscheduled personal support workers" visit, security checkIntegrated Dialysis Care Program -- Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses visit home peritoneal dialysis patients at their home, health maintenance, nutritional counsellingWellness and Social Program -- social, recreational and educational programs for persons 50 years and older, drop-in centre, friendship groups, interest classes, outings