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St. Pascal Residence    Private practice

St. Pascal Residence Private practice

General Information

Service Type
Adult Addictions
St.Pascal Residence provides permanent housing with some support of daily living for adults with special needs and mental health disabilities. We are subsidized by the United Counties of Prescott and Russell who assess individuals for financial eligibility of receiving funding for residency at St.Pascal Residence. This residence offers both private and semi-private rooms. Private rooms are made available without any extra cost to the resident, and are made available by means of a waiting list, unless under special circumstances.Semi-private rooms are also available for couples. St.Pascal Residence offers assistance with meals, snacks, medication, basic assistance with personal care, money management, organized leisure activities, housekeeping, laundry and assistance in accessing transportation for medical appointments and following up with health maintenance such as booking dental and eye exams. There is a doctor in Rockland available to care for the residents who are in need of a GP.