St Joseph’s Health Care London
General Information
Service Type
Psychiatric hospitals
Mental health care for people who have come into contact with the law * 89-bed inpatient program including assessment, treatment and rehabilitation Forensic Assessment Unit - Medium secure environment providing consultation and specialized assessments regarding fitness to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and sentencing to the justice systemForensic Treatment Unit - Medium secure setting providing longer-term integrated treatment, rehabilitation, and support to clients on Ontario Review Board dispositionsForensic Rehab Readiness Unit - Locked minimum secure unit with a lower level of security that reflects the improvement in clinical status of the clients and their changing Ontario Review Board dispositionsForensic Rehabilitation Unit - Open minimum secure unit with a low level of security that reflects further clinical improvement and also development within the rehabilitation processForensic Outreach Program - Intensive rehabilitation efforts continue within the community setting * skill training * ongoing forensic monitoring and risk assessment and management * team works closely with other community-based agencies