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General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
Offers a wide range of outreach services to adults who have special needs Behaviour Support Services Engage people through an initial consultation, and support may include: Complex Behaviour Support Plans Positive supports and Preventative Strategies Intensive Behaviour Supports - intended for individuals with complex needs requiring intensive programming within-group living settings Behaviour Support Revision Clinics Skill Building Groups Professional Consultations Partnerships (CMHA Niagara Safe Bed Program, Niagara Health)Chaplaincy and Bereavement Support ServicesOffers support to individuals throughout the Niagara and Hamilton areas to encourage and support each individual"s faith or spiritual needs. Hamilton services are faith focused. The program is accessed directly through Bethesda"s Chaplain at 905.684.6918 ext. 331.This program provides support through three main areas: Trauma, Grief, and Bereavement Services in the Niagara and Hamilton Regions