Catholic Family Services of Toronto
General Information
Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 Limited in-person services, most counselling services by telephone or on-line; for information call 416-222-0048 or email info@cfstoronto.comIndividual, couple, and family counselling, woman abuse groups, wellness programs, anger management, mentoring programHere to HelpGroup programs for women, and their children 4-16 years focus on the impact of abuse, setting boundaries, and non-violent ways of parenting in partnership with North York Violence Against Women agencies available fall, winter and springHousing Transition Support ProgramCounselling and assistance to women leaving an abusive relationship, in accessing shelter or housing information and referrals to community services such as housing, legal, financial, health, immigration, children"s services, education and employment safety planning and goal settingManaging Emotions ThoughtfullyGroup support and strategies to manage emotions due to traumaRISEDrop-in group includes support, resources and information for women dealing with the impact of intimate partner abuseUnderstanding Abuse8-10 week closed treatment group offered 3 times a year focus on self esteem, safety, understanding the impact of abuse, breaking isolationWomen Helping Women ProgramPeer support for women in counselling, provided by trained volunteer mentors individual support community awareness, speakers