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Delisle Youth Services

Delisle Youth Services

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
Offers a range of mental health services to adolescents and coordinates residential services for children and youth with complex special needs. Delisle Youth Services recognizes the need for holistic, integrated approaches to working with youth that encompass health prevention, promotion, information, education, supportive counselling, therapy and intensive interventions when needed. Our services utilize an evidence-informed, strength based, resiliency approach which incorporates working with families and engaging youth in everything we do. Given current research, co-occurring issues such as mental health and substance use is integrated in all programming. We provide: * The Studio which operates as a youth centre * STARS a holistic program for queer youth * The Annual Youth Art Gallery * In-School supportive counselling in 6 high schools * Therapy at our main office * Day Treatment Program for youth unable to function in a main stream school * Long Term Residence for youth needing a structured environment * Central Access for Residential Services for GTA * Special Needs Team for children and youth with complex special needs * Residential Placement Advisory Committee