Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
General Information
Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Injury and Falls Prevention
* Provides information and reliable resources related to injury prevention throughout the life cycle
* offers linkages to the Windsor-Essex County Injury Prevention and Falls Prevention Coalitions and other prevention initiatives in the community
* Falls Mobile Clinic registration
Physical Activity and Active Transportation Promotion
* Provide "free" copies of Canada"s Physical Activity Guides and related information
* Provide consultation, education, media information, reliable resources and assistance with the development of policies that promote and support physical activity
Substance Misuse Prevention
* Provides consultation, education, media information, reliable resources and assistance with the development of policies and environmental supports on preventing alcohol and drug abuse
* works closely with community partners and coalitions
Tobacco Use Cessation
* Provides consultation, education, media information, reliable resources and assistance with the development of policies and environmental supports on smoking cessation
* Access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Tobacco Enforcement
* Primary enforcement of the Smoke Free Ontario Act, local municipal smoking by-laws (municipality dependant) and the Electronic Cigarette Act
* works closely with community enforcement agencies
* complaints taken