248 Cities and Towns
211 Quebec
- 211
- https://www.211qc.ca/en/
Youth Addictions
211 is an easy to remember (2-1-1) information and referral service available 7 days a week, from 8 am to 6 pm, 365 days a year, which will eventually be open 24 hours a day. 211 Community resources directory is also available on the web. In collaboration with community organizations, all information on social and community resources is updated annually.
Accueil Sainte-Famille – Services Externes
- 506-395-1500
- http://www.accueilstefamille.com/5.html
Mental Health Counselling
Offre de l"accompagnement au niveau des démarches financières, juridiques et sociales aux femmes qui sont victimes de violences conjugale.
Action Santé Travesti(e)s et Transsexuel(le)s du Québec – Harm Reduction Materials and Health Services
- 1300 Sanguinet, Ville-Marie, Canada, H2X 3E7
- 514-847-0067 ext 207
- http://www.astteq.org/getsupport.html
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Provides various harm reduction materials, including free condoms, lubricant, and injection materials (including syringes for intramuscular and subcutaneous hormone injection). Nurse on staff every Monday night from 7-10pm, who can provide free and confidential HIV/STI (blood and sexually transmitted infections) testing, vaccinations and other health services and information.
Action Santé Travesti(e)s et Transsexuel(le)s du Québec – Harm Reduction Materials and Health Services
- 1300 Sanguinet, Ville-Marie, Canada, H2X 3E7
- 514-847-0067 ext 207
- http://www.astteq.org/getsupport.html
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Provides various harm reduction materials, including free condoms, lubricant, and injection materials (including syringes for intramuscular and subcutaneous hormone injection). Nurse on staff every Monday night from 7-10pm, who can provide free and confidential HIV/STI (blood and sexually transmitted infections) testing, vaccinations and other health services and information.
Addiction Outreach Program (AOP)
- 3405-6900 Blvd Decarie, Montreal, QC, H3X 2T8
- 514-814-4488
Youth Addictions
Private non-profit organization which provides intensive outpatient therapeutic and practical services for individuals suffering from drugs, alcohol and gambling addictions. Clinic is geared for men and women 15 and over who wish to stop using drugs, alcohol, or gambling but are unable to do so without help.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Northeast
- 475 Riverside Drive, Québec, Canada, 10115
- http://www.aa-quebec.org/region89/en/reunionsReg.asp
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting select city and other criteria through drop-down list.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Northeast
- 475 Riverside Drive, Québec, Canada, 10115
- http://www.aa-quebec.org/region89/en/reunionsReg.asp
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting select city and other criteria through drop-down list.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Northwest and Nunavut
- 282 De Villemure, Saint-Jérôme, Canada, J7Z 6B9
- 212-870-3400
- http://www.aa-quebec.org/region90/english/meetingList.shtml
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting select search criteria.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Southeast
- 475 Riverside Drive, Sherbrooke, Canada, 10115
- http://www.aa-quebec.org/region88/NosReunions_ang.html
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting type city or district in search.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Southwest
- 475 Riverside Drive, Montréal, Canada, 10115
- 1-888-424-2975
- http://www.aa87.org/en/area-87-districts
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting select district website then meeting page.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Quebec Southwest
- 475 Riverside Drive, Montréal, Canada, 10115
- 1-888-424-2975
- http://www.aa87.org/en/area-87-districts
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers in-person peer support group meetings. To find a meeting select district website then meeting page.
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation – Child and Youth Mental Health Services
- 1643 Mishomis Inamo, Golden Lake, Canada, K0J 1X0
- 613-625-2259 ext 230
- https://www.algonquinsofpikwakanagan.com/health-services/
Mental Health Counselling
Provides community-based and culturally appropriate activities and services to support children, youth and families" mental health.
- 5800 Décarie Boulevard, Montréal, QC, H3X 2J5
- 514-486-1448
Adult Mental Health
AMI-Québec, a grassroots organization, is committed to helping families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance and advocacy. By promoting understanding, we work to dispel the stigma still surrounding mental illness, thereby helping to create communities that offer new hope for meaningful lives.
- 1-877-303-0264
- https://amiquebec.org/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers virtual mental health services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls) for individuals living with mental illness and their caretakers, families, and loved ones. Services include workshops, support groups, and counselling. Counselling services are for caregivers only.
- 1-877-303-0264
- https://amiquebec.org/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers virtual mental health services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls) for individuals living with mental illness and their caretakers, families, and loved ones. Services include workshops, support groups, and counselling. Counselling services are for caregivers only.