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Alberta Health Services – Central Zone

Alberta Health Services – Central Zone

General Information

Service Type
Adult Addiction and Mental Health Services - Assertive Outreach
Provide persons with severe and / or persistent mental illness with community-based services that encompass a continuum of flexible and comprehensive, recovery focused interventions that assist individuals to maintain a reasonable independency, quality of life, and optimal level of functioning in their own community., , Provide services to individuals with significant impairments of functioning due to severe and/or persistent mental illness,often affecting their daily functioning; difficulty accepting and maintaining treatment; lack of personal support systems; and may have coexisting issues related to substance abuse and/or justice involvement. Individuals must be willing to participate in the community or be clients leagally aligned to services through such programs as Community Treatment Orders.Services Include:, , Medication/Psychiatric Support; administer, assess, monitor prescribed medications Teaching/education and prevention and promotion strategies for recovery focused care Advocate in referral to doctor and/or psychiatrist Support transportation for essential appointments Support social, cultural, spiritual, and personal meaningful activities for quality of life improvement Liaise with employment, finance and housing supports Provide support in activities of daily living; meal planning, grocery shopping Supportive counselling; crisis resolution, problem solving; social skills, coping skills" promote independence , , Key Provider: occupational therapists (OTs), psychiatrists, recreational therapists, registered nurses (RNs)