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Algonquin College Student Support Services    Private practice

Algonquin College Student Support Services Private practice

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
Counselling Services provides caring, confidential, professional counselling for Algonquin students* at no cost. To book an appointment, visit or call the Welcome Centre (3rd floor, Student Commons), 613-727-4723 ext.7200. Our team of helpful professionals is available to provide you with expert support for issues commonly experienced by college students, such as: ■Academic planning ■Study skills and time management ■Career development and program choice ■Overwhelming stress ■Troubling relationships ■Symptoms of depression or anxiety ■Trauma or grief ■Thoughts of suicide ■Self-esteem and assertiveness ■Addictive behaviours ■Transition and change (homesickness, loneliness, etc.) ■Sexuality and gender ■Cultural transition or adjustment ■Settlement counselling for new Canadians Students must be enrolled at Algonquin College in a minimum of a single course consisting of at least 24 hours of instruction hours to be eligible to utilize Counselling Services. Individuals not enrolled as a student can make an appointment to speak to a Career Advisor to discuss their academic options at Algonquin College.