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Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST)

Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST)

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Support, advocacy and social activities for survivors of acquired brain injuries and their families, including those living with persisting concussion symptoms * peer support program * information and referral * public and professional awareness and education * housing assistance * support in accessing stable forms of financial assistance such as ODSP * free community outingsSpecial series programs run at various times throughout the year, including: Persistent Concussion Series & ABI Info Series. warm line open for support and information (12-4 P.M. Monday to Thursday)peer led caregiver support groupbrain injury support groups for adults: women, mixed gender, people who identify as LGBTQI Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) groupsOn-line Gentle Hatha YogaSocial Drop-InsBrain Injury and Justice program: assistance from supervised social work students to help people living with brain injury navigate the legal system - Ontario - online toolkit on brain injury and the criminal justice system in Ontario *Information for lawyers and people living with brain injury available. COVID-19 service changes: all programs have moved online