Donate now – Help Canadian youth to live drug-free and digital-safe

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General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
COVID-19 -- contact organization for COVID service updatesChildren"s Programs individual counselling Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) Program Kambi Ya Watoto Summer CampLeaders in Partnership (LIP) for children 7-12 years at risk of suspension or expulsion from school 10-week lunch time school-based skills training program addressing the social and emotional needs of children in developing a more positive attitude towards school and their communityYouth Programs -- for youth 16-24 years individual counselling Express Yourself / Anger Management Program Youth Outreach Worker (YOW) Program - supports high-risk youth who live in an identified priority community and/or or belong to a distinct priority population (such as Racialized, Indigenous, Somali, Roma, LGBTTQ2S) to make healthy life choices Ujima Youth Mentorship ProgramKujichaguilia Club (K-Club) -- for young people 16-29 years to transition from involvement with the justice system to integrate into family and community lifeFamily Program individual and family counselling Effective Parenting Program -- 10 week program primarily for those referred by Children"s Aid or the courts Kuponya - Collaborating with Black Families -- works with Black families from a trauma-informed perspective in collaboration with the Children"s Aid Society and Jean Tweed Centre individual support, family mediation, mobile crisis counselling, and crisis interventionViolence Against Women Services support to women and their families who are experiencing or have experienced violence, including human trafficking individual, group and crisis counselling designed to meet the needs of Black women and children legal and parenting support; housing search assistance; safety planning