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Canadian Mental Health Association – Durham

Canadian Mental Health Association – Durham

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
The Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham Branch, provides community based mental health programs for persons with emotional and mental problems who require support * educates the wider community regarding mental health issues   Supportive Services: Vocational Rehabilitative Services provide education, leadership and personal growth opportunites Small Business Initiatives provide paid work assessments and opportunities Housing and Case Management Services: assist clients in getting and keeping affordable housing in the Durham Region Education and Training Programs: Community Health Promotion and Public Relations-providing awareness, issues and ways to maintain mental well being New Horizons and Club Central: provides social and recreational activities to club members Assertive Community Treatment: an assertive multi-disciplinary approach 24 hours a day, seven days a week Community Treatment Order Service: sponsored by Lakeridge Health, this allows a person to receive care and treatment in his or her own community