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Canadian Mental Health Association Hastings Prince Edward

Canadian Mental Health Association Hastings Prince Edward

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
CV19 Office partially re-opened--call office for update or In-take helpline for referrals Mental Health Services & Addiction Services provided: Screening and Assessment Treatment Planning and Referrals Personal Counseling and Goal Setting Relapse Prevention PlanningTreatments may include: Clinical Couselling: Clinicians with Counselling and Treatment Programs available. Psychotherapy based counselling available. Mental Health Case Management: Case management navigation, support and recovery programming Transitional Case Management: Program provides short-term support for rapid response to address immediate needs and then connecting to additional programs and services to ensure well-being Skill Groups: Provides a variety of informational and practical skill development techniques. Concurrent Disorders Case Management: integrated case management services to assist with treatment planning, service navigation, support and advocy for those dealing with both Mental Health and Addiction concerns.