Catholic Crosscultural Services
General Information
Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 all services are provided in-person, by phone, and online; walk-ins are welcome all workshops offered on-line----------- --------------- --------------Settlement Services needs assessment, information and referral, supportive counselling information on employment, citizenship and immigration, education and housing, financial literacy support to file forms group sessions including English and French conversation groups, citizenship preparation sessions, computer training, career networking, parenting walk-in services, free access to computers and Internet, free fax to local numbersCommunity Service Program for women including group or one-on-one settlement counselling activities to build social networks and break isolation short term skills training for employment such as cashier, retail customer service, sewing, or food handling workshops series such as chronic pain management, how to manage diabetes, nutrition (healthy eating) programsServices at other locations -- itinerant settlement counselling services, Library Settlement Program at several locations in Scarborough