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Centre for Behaviour Health Sciences

Centre for Behaviour Health Sciences

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
Behavioural services for individuals who have a developmental disability with a significant cognitive delay (dual diagnosis). service delivery is matched to need and may be provided through individual and/or group support following a behaviour assessment, a behaviour support plan is created that includes prevention, skill building and intervention strategies specific skills are taught with goal of replacing the challenging behaviour mediators (i.e., family, group home staff, etc.) learn to implement behaviour support plan and data is collected to measure progress assessment and treatment strategies are based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)Fully funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services through a service agreement with Mackenzie Health. Resource services provided through educational workshops and lecturesOutreach PresentationsPresentations in Autism, Criminal Justice, FASD, Healthy Sexuality and Behaviour are offered.