Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples
General Information
Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 -- full-time in-person services have resumed, Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; call 416-533-8545 or email info@spanishservices.org; appointments only - no walk-insSettlement Program information, counselling and referral assistance with completing government and social services application forms ESL classes commissioner of oaths interpretation and translation services monthly settlement workshopsViolence Against Women (VAW) Program individual crisis counselling and group counselling by telephone or in person support groups for isolated women and their children information and orientation about legal rights assistance leaving the abusive home, finding transitional housing and applying for social assistanceVolunteer ProgramVolunteer opportunities with ESL classes, food security assistance and interpretation and translation assistanceSeniors Program art-based workshops informational workshopsLegal Clinic, see separate recordHIV and AIDS Prevention Services, see separate record