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Child Development Institute

Child Development Institute

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
COVID19 -- Offices closed, but virtual services available, call or visit CDI website for details----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Community-based children"s mental health early intervention and treatment programs includes SNAP cognitive behavioural therapy and skills development Toronto Centralized Service Protocol -- access to local community services for children in conflict with the law, in conjunction with Toronto Police Service and other agenciesCamp Wimodausis -- summer day camp for children with social and behavioural problems, 4 week session includes group counselling, and educational and recreational activitiesSNAP Girls and SNAP Boys -- for children with behavioural problems, and their families skills development includes effective emotional regulation, self-control and problem solving individual counselling and/or mentoring for children who require extra support connects children and parents with community resources school advocacy and teacher support to assist children who are struggling behaviourally and/or not performing at their age-appropriate grade level assists in prevention of delinquency, school drop-out and teen pregnancySNAP Parenting (SNAPP) -- concurrent with children"s program, family counselling assists in developing effective child management strategies group support resource guide for parents available onlineSNAP Youth Outreach -- prevention and intervention for at-risk youth assists in developing positive social skills, self-control and problem-solving skills group services