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Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County

Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County

General Information

Service Type
Crisis lines
Investigates allegations of child abuse or neglect under the Child and Family Services Act * provides children brought into the care of the agency with temporary or long-term care through placement in foster homes, kinship homes, group homes or institutions * ongoing supervision, counselling and group support to families * referrals to other community services for families requiring non protection child/family services * handles adoptions and adoption disclosurePRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) - Pre service training program for prospective foster and adoptive parents * identifies the challenges and opportunities of caring for children and families facing difficultiesFamily Violence (0- 18 years) - Promotes safety * group and one-on-one counselling for women and childrenPartner Assault Response (PAR) (13-18 years) - Specialized counselling and educational services for people who have assaulted their partners * court ordered programMen Accepting Responsibility to Change Program (MARC) - The Partner Response Program for men is a 12 week psycho-educational program for people who have used violence and abuse towards their intimate partner including a spouse or or partner. Victims/partners of the individual referred into the program are provided with support including safety planning, referrals to community resources, and updates about the group member progress.Oxford Child Witness Program (7-18 years) - Court preparation and support for children, teens and their familiesChildren Exposed to Family Violence (0-16 years) - Group that introduces children to the idea of healthy, non-abusive family relationships, helps them understand that they are not to blame for the violence within their home and works to increase self-esteemWomen"s Focus Group (13-18 years) - Counselling services to women who have experienced a violent relationshipTeen Dating Violence Forum (13-18 years) - Opportunity for teenage girls to reach out for help