Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County
General Information
Service Type
Crisis lines
Investigates allegations of child abuse or neglect under the Child and Family Services Act * provides children brought into the care of the agency with temporary or long-term care through placement in foster homes, kinship homes, group homes or institutions * ongoing supervision, counselling and group support to families * referrals to other community services for families requiring non protection child/family services * handles adoptions and adoption disclosurePRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) - Pre service training program for prospective foster and adoptive parents * identifies the challenges and opportunities of caring for children and families facing difficultiesFamily Violence (0- 18 years) - Promotes safety * group and one-on-one counselling for women and childrenPartner Assault Response (PAR) (13-18 years) - Specialized counselling and educational services for people who have assaulted their partners * court ordered programMen Accepting Responsibility to Change Program (MARC) - The Partner Response Program for men is a 12 week psycho-educational program for people who have used violence and abuse towards their intimate partner including a spouse or or partner. Victims/partners of the individual referred into the program are provided with support including safety planning, referrals to community resources, and updates about the group member progress.Oxford Child Witness Program (7-18 years) - Court preparation and support for children, teens and their familiesChildren Exposed to Family Violence (0-16 years) - Group that introduces children to the idea of healthy, non-abusive family relationships, helps them understand that they are not to blame for the violence within their home and works to increase self-esteemWomen"s Focus Group (13-18 years) - Counselling services to women who have experienced a violent relationshipTeen Dating Violence Forum (13-18 years) - Opportunity for teenage girls to reach out for help