Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville
General Information
Service Type
Crisis lines & Support Groups
COVID-19 (November 17, 2021): Services over the telephone. Children, youth and their families can reach out at anytime to make a referral and receive service. Call-in sessions: a single session option for families to check-in with a clinician regarding anxieties or other issues by dialing 1-800-809-2494 ext 0. Flexible phone appointments available upon request.Family and children"s mental health agencyPrograms and services: targeted prevention brief services counselling and therapy family skill building and support specialized consultation and assessment crisis support services intensive treatment servicesTele-Mental Health Services: offered when needed for treatment planning services start with a brief telephone intake where a single session consultation is scheduled in approximately 7-10 days of making a referral clients experiencing crisis will receive same day serviceAssistance with recreational activities though the Making Play Possible program