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Community Health Centres (CHCs) in Ontario

Community Health Centres (CHCs) in Ontario

General Information

Service Type
Youth Mental Health
Community Health Centres (CHCs) provide primary health and health promotion programs for individuals, families and communities.    All CHCs offer primary care services for youth, ages 14-24.   CHCs work with individuals, families and communities to strengthen their capacity to take more responsibility for their health and wellbeing. They provide education and advice on helping families access the resources they need from other community agencies. CHCs work together with others on health promotion initiatives within schools, in housing developments, and in the workplace. They link families with support and self-help groups that offer peer education, support in coping, or are working to address conditions that affect health. As such, the Community Health Centre Program contributes to the development of healthy communities.    There are 54 CHCs in Ontario. Visit the website or call the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Infoline at 1-866-532-3161 to find your nearest CHC.