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Contact Brant

Contact Brant

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
First point of contact for children and youth ages 0-18 with mental health concerns, intellectual disabilities, Autism or FASD. First place to contact for information, questions, and access to community resources and programsHelp navigate services available to children, youth, and their families. Complete an intake and make referrals for children and youth to get the services they need when dealing with: acting out behaviours aggression anxiety Autism Spectrum Disorder bullying or being bullied child and family conflict depression drug and alcohol use grief Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) hyperactivity intellectual disability managing anger parenting programs self-esteem self-harming; suicidal thoughts trauma worryingLead agency for Service Coordination Brant which provides coordinated service planning to families of children and youth with multiple service needs. Service Coordination ensures there is a clearly identified staff for each family to lead their service plan and support services working together to meet each family"s unique needsLead agency for the Ontario Autism Program - Urgent Response Service - short-term supports for children registered with the Ontario Autism Program who are experiencing new or worsening high-risk behavioursManages the Community Information Brant, Haldimand & Norfolk database containing information on local community programs and services