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Epilepsy South Central Ontario

Epilepsy South Central Ontario

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Support, advocacy and public education to promoting independence and optimal quality of life for people with epilepsy and their familiesClinic to Community (C2C) Program community educator gives overview of seizures, epilepsy, risk management and seizure first aid to entire family teaches how to use a seizure log refers to services including support groups, peer to peer linkages, recreation, and school and workplace assistance gives information sheets with strategies to help the person with epilepsy to best manage their conditionIndividual Counselling and Support Groups one-on-one counselling and service coordination support groups for youth and adults Home-Based Self-Management & Cognitive Training Changes Lives (HOBSCOTCH) helps people living with epilepsy learn new strategies to improve memory and attention individual program that lasts eight weeks.Epilepsy Classroom, 416-813-8371 section 23 classroom geared to needs of children with intractable epilepsy run in partnership with Toronto District School Board and Hospital for Sick Children, see separate listingsSunny Days Camp -- summer day camp for children with epilepsy and their siblings 5-14 yearsEpilepsy 101 free interactive educational program offering epilepsy awareness and seizure first aid designed for many settings/groups including school staff, employers, community fairs Thinking About Epilepsy program designed for grade 5 classes interactive-educational program that offers epilepsy awareness and seizure first aid to students and staffSeniors Helping Seniors Program -- volunteer seniors and ESCO staff give education, awareness and epilepsy first aid sessions for seniors, their caregivers and residential and day program staffFamily and Youth ConferenceOffice in Kitchener at 28 Weber St W, Ste 2, can be reached at 519-745-2112