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Équipe Psycho-sociale pour Enfants et Adolescents

Équipe Psycho-sociale pour Enfants et Adolescents

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
L’Équipe psycho-sociale pour enfants et familles francophones de S. D. & G. is recognized as a mental heath agency operating under the authority of the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. L’Équipe has a Board of Directors responsible with the guidance of its operations. Services have been provided since August 1980. We offer a variety of programs designed to respond to the needs of families that are living and coping with mental health difficulties. Operating costs are assumed by the provincial government, therefore free of charge. All of our services are offered on a voluntary basis. Applications (referrals) for assistance may be submitted by parents, adolescents, health professionals, the judicial system, the Children’s Aid Society, and any other community agency. Clinical services including: * Day program; * Intervention in the school setting; * Section 23 programs; * Parenting skills groups; * Living without violence program; * Intervention program for mothers and children who have witnessed or been victims of spousal abuse; program for abused children; * Intensive intervention services; * Early Years Program * Life skills training * Partir d"un bon pas Additional office in Alexandria, 110 rue Main, 613-525-3952.