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Family Services Ottawa

Family Services Ottawa

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups & Community Mental Health Centers
Individual counselling offered in-person, or by video or phoneServices for women who are experiencing or have experienced various forms of abuse:Support Groups: provides information and education around abuse, safety planning, sharing resources, and support offered virtually, in-person groups coming this year groups offered 2-3 times a yearIndividual Counselling: provides women a safe space to share their experiences, to develop an individualized plan to assist in dealing with legal, police and other systems, to review ongoing safety planning needs, and to assist in creating a healing plan and to develop strategies in moving forwardTransitional Support Program: practical supports assistance such as safety planning, referral to shelters, lawyers and other support services assistance with housing applications and accessing eligibility for financial assistance court support accompaniment to legal, medical and other appointmentsPrograms for Child Witnesses Woman Abuse:The Children"s Groups: children aged 6-12 who have been exposed to their mothers" abuse 6-8 children per group in-person in the evening individual counselling can be provided as needed for children or mothers hosts a group for mothers whose children are in the program, it runs at the same time as the Children"s Group