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Family Transition Place

Family Transition Place

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID-19 Groups and workshops are cancelled until further notice. No visitors allowed due to COVID19 concerns Provides confidential, supportive clinical counselling for individuals and families who are affected by violence. Services include individual and group counselling for women who have experienced abuse Sexual Assault Counselling - for women and men 16 years and older who have been impacted by recent or historical sexual abuse Rural Response Program - offers short-term crisis support and short-term counselling and referrals for women in rural north Dufferin communities who have experienced abuse (past or present). In-office or mobile service Child Witness Program - provides workshops and counselling for children who have witnessed woman abuse Addiction & Outreach - services offers supportive addiction counselling for people who are dealing with unwanted opiate/substance use Caring Dads - offers a 17-session weekly group program to help fathers develop coping skills and strategies to improve their relationships with their children. Screening interview to determine eligibility Counselling is available in Orangeville and at two satellite locations: Royal Courtyards of Caledon - FTP Office - 18 King St E, Unit D6, Bolton Mel Lloyd Centre - Entrance B - 167 Centre St, Shelburne Assistance may be available for clients who don"t have transportation to get to their appointments. Free child care may available certain days of the week; inform the receptionist when booking appointments Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario