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For You Telecare Family Service

For You Telecare Family Service

General Information

Service Type
Crisis lines
COVID19 24-hour crisis line, telephone counselling and virtual programs available; restrictions and modifications for some programs; instruction provided to assist in online participation, and tablets available for lending to seniors without devices; visit TUTFS website for details, including registration informationTelephone Counselling Immediate emotional support, crisis intervention or suicide prevention links to other appropriate emergency services face-to-face individual, group and family counselling community outreach counselling and visitation for clients facing barriers to accessing services information and referral translation and interpretation counselling education and volunteer training program public education and awareness health promotion, including recreation and social activitiesTelephone Crisis Intervention Services24-hour emotional support for individuals experiencing distress, grief, conflict, depression or other crisis----------In-person Counselling Services Anonymous, confidential counselling for individuals, groups, couples and familiesChildren"s Programs Little Steps, Big Steps for kindergarten to grade 6 homework club summer campHealth Programs home hospice program and palliative care provided by trained volunteers healthy lifestyle workshops smoke-free education for youth diabetes prevention program visitation for community members who are illParenting Programs Focus on Early Years and Mothers Focus on Fathers parenting skills workshops, including workshop with parents and their childrenSeniors Programs English café reassurance program including counselling and visitation outreach services recreation including singing, art and digital storytelling classes online virtual seminars such as Sing-A-Long Musical Class, Expressive Art Class, Dance ClassViolence Prevention EducationAnger management and conflict resolution classes and workshopsYouth Programs employment seminars, career development, leadership training, life skills workshops Mind and Motion Program, 2-weeks summer volunteering (August) retreat tobacco-free campaign program facilitation skills workshop mentoring program recreational activities