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Fred Victor

Fred Victor

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 Building closed to the public, all non-essential services suspended; mental health and justice case management available Friends Community Meal Program, takeout food only Mon-Fri 10 am-4:30 pm; take out dinner Mon-Fri 4 pm-5 pm access to telephone, washrooms Mon-Fri 2:30 pm-4 pm PAID Clinic Thu 1:30 pm-3:30 pm, assistance with ID on first come, first served basis visit Fred Victor website for details on available services----------Drop-in services, including information and referral, counselling and advocacy access to ID clinic access to food, clothing and phones mental health and justice workers harm reduction equipment and support Fair Change Legal Clinic seasonal income tax preparation creative arts programs and outings community gardenMember agency of Toronto Drop-in Network (TDIN)