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Good Shepherd Centres, Main Administration

Good Shepherd Centres, Main Administration

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling & Support Groups
Multi-agency resource centre for at-risk youth residing within the community. Case coordinator assists the youth in navigating community and internal services based on their identified needs.Services include:* 24 Hour a day intake and admissions* Meets basic needs by providing all meals and snacks, clothing, laundry and hygiene products, etc.* Advocacy and Case Co-ordination* Recreational / Therapeutic programming* On-Site Access to Mental Health Services and Consulting Psychiatry* On-Site Access to a General Practitioner and/or Nurse Practitioner* On-Site Addiction / Substance Use Supports (Alternatives for Youth)* On-Site sexual health clinic* On-Site Withdrawal Management Assessment and Monitoring (St. Joseph"s Hospital)* Aftercare services through our Community Resource CentreThe Notre Dame Community Resource Centre, is a multi-agency resource centre for at-risk youth residing within the community who are between 16 and 21 years of age. Youth have access to a number of outreach support services and programs to assist them in remaining housed; diverting them from homelessness and street involvement.A case coordinator assists the youth in navigating community and internal services based on their identified needs.