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Greek Orthodox Family Services and Counselling, VAW Program

Greek Orthodox Family Services and Counselling, VAW Program

General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services
Culturally sensitive counselling and advocacyViolence Against Women (VAW) Program counselling for women in an abusive relationship and for children who witness acts of violence safety planning for protection while in transition crisis intervention, advocacy, and legal referrals interpretation, information and referral assistance for stress and depression related to separation from the familial surroundings, lack of adequate finances, physical and mental health issues, and support services and housing assistance within the Greek community counselling to develop the life skills of self-confidence and courage, parenting guidance, encouragement for further education referral to counselling groups for abusive men preventive community education, and public awareness as to the social and criminal consequences of domestic violence Counselling -- to improve family relationships, parenting or children"s education; referrals for anger managementNewcomers -- referrals for housing, employment, language training and settlementDivision of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada