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Green Haven Shelter for Women

Green Haven Shelter for Women

General Information

Service Type
Crisis lines
Green Haven Shelter is a safe alternative to an abusive home.Trained staff are available 24/7. Safety and confidentiality are key priorities. Information on options, rights, resources, and referrals to services that best meet clients needs will be provided. These could include legal, financial, housing and employment issues. Concerns about the impact of exposure to violence and the effect of trauma on both children and women can be explored.Programs available include:24 Hour Crisis Line Immediate telephone support Crisis intervention Toll-Free: 1-888-285-6958 Local: 705-327-7319 Text: 705-345-1302 Email: The Residential Shelter Program Safe, secure refuge 24 hour / 7 days a week Informal, confidential support and crisis counselling Financial, legal and housing information and referrals Information on community resources and referrals Emergency transportation Safety planningTransitional Housing Support Services Housing alternatives for women in residence or from the community Employment and education opportunities Applications to subsidized housing programs Income support and budgeting, financial resources and options Information and support regarding legal aid Parenting support resources Local: 705-327-7383 ext 222 Email: transition@ghws.caThe Community Outreach Program An alternative to the Residential Shelter Program Court/legal support Confidential individual and/or group counselling by appointment Local: 705-329-2806 Email: outreach@ghws.caChild and Youth Services Individual and group counselling Recreational and play activities, including arts and crafts School support while residing at the shelter Parenting support for mothers