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Grey Bruce Public Health

Grey Bruce Public Health

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Works to promote and protect the health of all Grey-Bruce residents at all stages of life. Works to improve public understanding, promote healthy living, prevent disease and support healthy environments.Services include: emergency planning immunization communicable and infectious diseases, including COVID-19 health education programs family and child health dental health sexual health injury prevention health hazard investigation environmental health physical activity promotion public health standards enforcement research and population-based health research tobacco and vaping education and youth prevention, cessation supportHealth Protection services include: inspection of certain public establishments, including food services, child care, small drinking water, recreation water, personal services and summer camps food safety regulation and inspection safe water testing, inspection and treatment sewage/septic disposal systems operation and care instruction inspections for smoke-free environment and enforcement rabies reporting, prevention and treatment Vector-borne disease prevention (Lyme, West Nile, etc.)See separate website for Grey Bruce Fall Prevention and Intervention Program