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Halton. Halton Region Health Department

Halton. Halton Region Health Department

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Public Health Nurses provides counselling and resources for people before and during pregnancy, and after the birth of their baby up to age six. Pregnancy and Prenatal Health How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Health Before Pregnancy Halton Prenatal Nutrition Program Planning Your Baby"s Birth Prenatal Classes and Supports Depression and Anxiety During Pregnancy and After Birth Preparing to Breastfeed Your Baby Preterm Labour Skin-to-Skin Halton Breastfeeding Connection a volunteer program that provides free mother to-mother telephone support for breastfeeding mothers mothers are linked to other mothers who provide support and encouragement during their breastfeeding experience for more information and to sign up, visit website Babies/Toddlers/Preschoolers Car Seat Safety Play, Growth and Development Baby Sleep Breastfeeding Feeding Your Baby In the First Year Formula - Safe Preparation and Feeding Keeping Your Child Safe 18-Month Well-Baby Visit Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program Parenting in the Early Years Healthy Eating for Toddlers and Preschoolers HaltonParents/Family Health Information Line