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Hastings Prince Edward Public Health Unit

Hastings Prince Edward Public Health Unit

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Public Health UnitServices include: direct care in community clinics for vaccinations, pregnancy screening, dental services, and cervical screening one-on-one counselling to clients regarding safer sexual health, communicable diseases, quitting smoking, and more information to residents about how their choices affect their health assistance to help make workplaces safer inspection and prevention services to control sources of disease in the environment advocacy - together with schools, municipalities, employers, and community groups - for change in public policy that enhances the well-being and health of our community protection of the public by continually monitoring and reporting on the safety of water supplies, beaches, restaurants, and the general health of the population education to clients about such subjects as prenatal care, infant and child care, nutrition, safe food handling, health hazard prevention, and more