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Huron Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services – Emergency Women’s Shelter

Huron Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services – Emergency Women’s Shelter

General Information

Service Type
Crisis lines
Emergency ShelterWe offer emergency residence for women and their children who are experiencing gender based violence. Services are provided at no cost. We are a 24 hour accessible facility with 8 bedrooms available to women and their children. A children"s play room, large kitchen and dining area and a shared living room along with a huge backyard are available for use. All bedding, food and other necessary items are provided. We also offer support and advocacy for women with criminal, civil or family legal matters, social services, housing, income supports, etc.Emergency TransportationWe can transport individual women or women and their children to the shelter from anywhere in the County, on a 24 hour basis at no cost.Support & Information By PhoneAvailable on a 24 hour basis, toll free and available for those in need of support, have questions or are looking for information.We also provide the following servicesSecond Stage HousingIn Clinton, Goderich and Exeter. with 1 accessible unit in each building - rent geared to income units, see separate entries for details.Children and Youth ProgramA special counselling and support program is available for children and youth who have witnessed violence in their home. Children and youth who have witnessed violence can be seen in their school or home community as well as in the shelter and at any second stage site. Support for parents is also provided.Care Lead ProgramThe Care Lead Program is available to women in Huron County who are experiencing moments of transition in their lives and have experienced violence. From thinking about leaving an abusive relationship through all of the transitions after leaving a relationship, the care lead counsellor can help a woman to access resources, like financial, housing, and education, and support them every step of the way.Sexual Assault CounsellingSexual assault counselling in available to women in Huron County who have experienced sexual violence.Family Court Support ProgramThe Family Court Support Program is available to women in Huron County who have experienced gender based violence and are involved in the family court or will be involved with family court in the future. The program is able to provide information about family court, attend appointments, connect with legal supports, make referrals, and debrief after attending court. The family court support counsellor can support women every step of the way.